This is the final day of the Regular Season of Major League Baseball. Total congratulations to the Rays for their FIRST EVER division title and post season appearance.
The BoSox will be the Wild Card, but it won't be the same without the personable Manny leading the pak. We have both Los Angeles teams already in the Playoffs, the Angels and the Dogers. It is possible we will also have both Chicago teams also. Already, the ChiCubs are celbrating their "Next Year is This Year" chant, and I certainly hope they are right.
It is unfortunate we will have to put up with the Phillie fans for a while. I love the Phanatic, but the Phillie fans need to get over themselves.
We're still waiting on the Brewers and the Mets to decide who rules the Wild Card place in the National, and it is possible the Twins could knock off the White Sox for the WC American. Any way you slice it, this year's World Series will be just as interesting as the election, lots of unusual happenings and different faces. For my part, I like new things. I love baseball, but am not going to claim partiality to any team. I tend to follow players, and whenever I find one I like, he either quits the game or leaves the team I like. So, I watch the game, enjoy the game, for the game's sake.
My favorite baseball player is in the photo above. He usually starts a lot of talk, good and bad. But, I absolutely loved him. The game has not been the same without him.
However, October should be fun.