Saturday, September 27, 2008

First Post -

This will be the first blog, and believe me, I have no idea what I am doing. I suppose I will figure it out as I go along. The reason for the title is my age, over fifty, and that at some point I have realized that all of the junk that one endures as a young person prepares one for the downhill slide of middle age. It will also do one of several things to you, either make you cynical and angry at life, take all of the wind out of your sails and leave you shell-shocked or give you a love for all of your human family because you have figured out that - well - we’re all connected in one way or another.

As time goes by, it would probably be good for me to tell you something about myself so you will understand all of these ramblings. I grew up in Memphis. For those of you young whippersnappers out there, that is the city that has the unfortunate distinction of being where Martin Luther King was killed. I was 15 at the time. If you aren't a southerner, well... It was a rough time for all of us, the African Americans and us white folks. I recall that my dad hauled trash to the dump for what seemed like months. We lived just a few blocks from where the rioting was going on but it never got to our neighborhood.

But let's fast forward like a Michael Crighton novel for now. I became Born-Again in 1999. How wonderful. All of the hatred and evil that life and Satan had deposited in my life was removed and I was left with a love for all mankind - literally. This, as well as my love of nature and baseball and other things are what I would like to discuss on this blog, as well as my adorable grandchildren. The lovely little girl is my granddaughter Victoria. What a doll, huh?

Y'all take care now, ya hear?


MissEllen said...

Beautiful little girl! So your a southerner. I don't know if it counts but I grew up in Florida. I love my southern friends. They have great accents, big hair, and fabulous makeup. They always step out the house looking great. It makes me ashamed of schlepping to the mailbox in sweatpants.

Martha Smith said...

Hello, Miss Ellen. I think it depends on what part of Florida. If it is North Florida, you can count yourself a Souterner. If it is South Florida, like around Miami, you're just a misplaced Yankee. Sorry. And, don't let us Sotherners fool you, we don't all look and sound like Steel Magnolias. I hope to get another post up today. Thanks for commenting.

Martha Smith said...

Miss Ellen, that really didn't sound right. But, if you've ever been to South Florida you'll know what I mean. My son and family lives there and it's full of retired northerners and Spanish speaking people. It's a great place and I hope to live there myself one day.