Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Name is Lazarus

Hello Everyone!!

Well, after having been away so long, I may worry you half to death, making up for lost time. Today's post will be about Lazarus - or a song about Lazarus - or a fictional song about Lazarus.

When I was saved in 1999, this song was on a CD that my husband and I purchased. It is Southern Gospel and I have to tell you, if you aren't a fan, or a fan of Country music, the real song could be hard to take. But, I'm not going to post the actual song here.

This is the premise. Remember the story of the four men who took the crippled men to Jesus and had to let the bed down through the roof because the crowd was too packed around the doors? Well, this song pretends that Lazarus was one of the four men. And, it also pretends that these four men had all been healed by Jesus in some way, one had a crippled hand, one was a leper, and one was blind. The three men discuss the fact that they just don't see how this man, who has been crippled from birth and never walked or moved on his own, will ever be healed. They don't believe Jesus can do this. On and on they go with their doubts. They finally turn to the fourth man, whose name has remained secret and who has said nothing.

The fourth man proclaims, "My name is Lazarus, shall I testify? When I was bound in the chains of death, Jesus brougt me out." He proceeds to tell them that their petty problems are nothing compared to the power of this man that they are approaching and that he of all people know that.

It's a great song, and If you allow yourself, you will be clapping, singing, even dancing along and hitting the replay button over and over and over. But it's more than a song. We Christians all know the story of Lazarus, how Mary and Martha sent word that he was sick to Jesus, but Jesus delay, saying that Lazarus was only sleeping, and that this was not a sickness unto death. And, how four days later, He showed up after Lazarus had been buried, to find Mary and Martha, distraught, confused, and maybe just a little angry with Him that He didn't come sooner. We know that Jesus wept, not so much because Lazarus died, but because Jesus was raising him to die again. We know that He called Lazarus' name to come forth out of the tomb, which he did, and we are told that if He had not named Lazarus, every dead man with the sound of Jesus' voice would have walked out of the grave.

But, there is more to it even than all of this. We are all dead men/women before we accept Christ, merely waiting for the grave to claim us. We have no future and we have no hope. When I heard this song, I loved it for the beat, it was a great song. Then I began to understand. MY name is Lazarus. I heard Christ's voice and came forth from my grave. I have been resurrected to receive life everlasting. My name is Lazarus. If you think your little problems are too big for Him to solve, take it from the one whose heard the might voice of God. My Name Is Lazarus.

Song by Greater Vision. 1999

1 comment:

MissEllen said...

This is great. If you don't mind, I may print it and read it to my youth group. btw, happy Thanksgiving.