Tuesday, October 7, 2008

**Ask Me About My Grandchildren--

I always wondered what that meant. Now, I know. I have three of the most precious (well, what do you expect me to say?) grandchildren on the planet. Adam will be five in December. He is very smart. Right now, we are having a bit of a problem with him because he is having a bit of a problem with the school he is in. But, he is in PreK, and the teacher is teaching him on a second grade level. Whenever she leaves him to teach the other less advanced students, he gets a little - distracted. Andrew, who will be three in November, is just a normal little boy. He loves his matchbox cars and his Little People toys. Victoria is Florida. I don't get to see her much. She will be a year old in December.
Being a grandmother is a great joy. Most grandparents will tell you that if they had known how much the little darlings would mean to them, they would have skipped the kids and gone straight to the grandkids. Grandparents and grandchildren are so close to each other because they have a common enemy the kid's parents. Ha! My daughter didn't think that was very funny. It is an opportunity for Grandparents to do a lot of the things they didn't have the time or the money or the sense, in some cases, to do when their own children were young. Parents, don't wish for your children to not grow up. Not that you can't stop the growing proccess, but you would be missing out on the best part of their lives, and yours.
With love, I am totally Over the Hill.

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