Hello Everyone!!
This post will be about friends, old and new. I find myself today a little richer, and happier, and realizing that life is a wonderful thing.
There was a time in my life when I looked around me and thought that I had no friend whatsoever, no one who loved me, or cared about me, what I thought, felt, if I lived or died, etc. Now, I know that was Satan's work, or maybe it was just depression. When I look around me now, I find friends galore, all over the country. I work alone, just me and my boss. Yet, I have friends in Maine, Texas, Florida, California, Michigan, Oregon, Britain, Africa, Canada, North Carolina, as well as Memphis. Some are old friends and some are new. Some are due to this blog, some are due to other reasons. Some I have met through work, some through Church. One is named just like me! But, all are precious to me. Some are relatives, like my daughters, sisters-in-law, daughter-in-law, and mother-in-law. Most are women, but some are men. Some are from old days like grade school. I have two like that. Actually, I have three, but one - well, she's kind of MIA right now. I need to locate her. Some I have allowed to drift away. I should not have done that. We should never do that. I know that NOW. Because some are gone forever. They are lost to to the unknown or to the grave. And things I would have said, I cannot say.
I've always been a bit of a loner. I was an "only child." You know, one of those kids everyone thinks is spoiled rotten. Some are, I suppose. I guess I was in my way. But, then there's the other side. Who do the folks have to blame when something is done? There's only one person, isn't there? There's no sibling rivalry, so there's a lot of aloneness. The "onlies" tend to rely on themselves. Or, they become entirely too dependent on the parents. For some reason, I was also a bit of an outcast. I never knew why. So, friends were great, but I learned to do without them. Now, later in life, finding myself with so many, even though I don't see them every day, and many of them are on-line buddies, I feel wealthy.
It is so very important that we encourage our young ones, especially girls, to befriend those who are friendless and to take up for those who are being put upon by more popular and prettier girls. Although I may sound like Ann Landers or Miss Manners, I only speak from experience and from what I have seen. We will all "like" ourselves eventually. But, it is easier if we can do it sooner than later, and that happens if we have good, faithful friends to lean on.
With Love, I am totally Over the Hill.
Amen to that.Friends make the rough road of life more bearable. Good friends banish loneliness. Sometimes the people who seem to need friends the least are those who need them the most.
That's so true. Recently I have become a fan of the "Anne" books by L. M. Montgomery. One that didn't get very good reviews was "Anne of Windy Poplars." I was determined to read it anyway. There was a characther in it just like this, keeping everyone at arm's length - or more - when in truth, she was nearly dying of loneliness. The extra effort made by the "Anne" character to draw her out made all the difference to this young woman. Even if it was just a novel, it was heartwarming. If you've never read these books, I recommend them for an easy, refreshing read.
These books sound good. I would really like to read them. :)
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